If you feel you have been treated unfairly in any way, you have the right to file a grievance. Follow these simple steps:
1. First, talk to your immediate supervisor and try to resolve the issue. If this doesn't help, go to the next step.
2. Inform your union steward in your location/department.
3. Always ask for a Union Representative when you go into a meeting with management and you think it is for disciplinary action or may lead to disciplinary action. You have the right to have a Union Representative present - but you have to ask for one. This is the Law! The company WILL NOT and IS NOT REQUIRED to offer you a Union Representative. (See the Weingarten Rights)
4. If you have already started a meeting with management and find out you are being discplined or may be disciplined, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO STOP THE MEETING UNTIL A UNION REPRESENTATIVE IS PROVIDED!!!! Just advise management you would like to stop the meeting until you have a Union Representative present. (See the Weingarten Rights)
5. Never, Never, sign anything. Once you do, it makes things very difficult to resolve and makes it impossible to get your job back in many cases.
6. If you are ever called into a meeting with a representative or manager of your company's Security, ask for a Union Representative immediately - even if you are told you don't need one. You definitely need representation. During this meeting, give short answers to what is asked. Don't volunteer more information than requested. After you have made a statement, you may be asked to read and sign the statement - Don't! Decline and leave once the meeting is over.
7. Follow any other directions given by your Union Steward.